
Come nella pagina "Swatch", qui terrò l'elenco di tutte le "nail art" pubblicate, con i relativi link, così che vi sia più facile arrivarci senza perdervene neanche una! :)

  1. "Portoro" nails
  2. "Newspaper" nails
  3. "Parkinson's Disease" nails
  4. "Emerald Dream" nails
  5. "We're all made of scars" nails
  6. "Fly away" nails
  7. "Pin-up" nails
  8. "Rain" nails
  9. "Deep blue" nails
  10. "Patchwork" nails
  11. "Louboutin" nails
  12. "Dark Tower" nails con l'aggiornamento "Arthur Eld's sigul" homemade nail sticker
  13. "Snake skin" nails
  14. "Murrina" nails
  15. "Totoro" nails
  16. "Ancient Goddess Tanit" nails
  17. "Victorian" nails
  18. "Goth but not black" nails
  19. "Eternal Life" nails
  20. "Galaxy?!?" nails
  21. "Old Metal" nails
  22. "I am the killer of Winxes" nails
  23. "We Want More Goth!" nails
  24. "Simple Diagonal" nails
  25. "Color Block" nails + make up
  26. "Quilted Plum" nails + make up
  27. "Red & Gold Xmas" nails + make up
  28. "Dotted Neutral" nails + make up
  29. "Lace French" nails + make up
  30. "Golden Leopard" nails + make up
  31. "Black Cat" nails + make up
  32. "Winter Roses" nails + make up
  33. "Velvet Xmas" nails
  34. "Shabby" nails + make up

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Per me è molto importante sapere cosa pensate di quello che vi mostro qui, perciò non siate timidi, commentate! So che, in fondo al vostro cuore, volete farlo! :)

It's very important, for me, to know your opinion about what I show you here. So, please, don't be shy to comment! I know that, deep down in your heart, you want to! :)

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